River & Marine
We have a complete understanding of working in marine and river environments, and are considered a ‘contractor of choice’ in this sector.
The experience of our highly skilled technical teams provides assurance that well-engineered project solutions are efficiently implemented with no negative impact to the local environment and ecology.
Our knowledge and capabilities cover; ports, harbours, coastal defence, bridges, pontoons, jetties, river walls and flood protection.
RNLI Lifeboat Station and Slipway Portishead
Established construction partner
Compliance with Marine Working Licence
LIFEBOAT STATION RNLI – BURRY PORT Construction of a two-storey building to provide modern training and changing facilities for The new build also provides a viewing area for public access.
Established construction partner
Compliance with Marine Working Licence
PONTOON, BARRY RNLI – Barry A new pontoon required to improve access to the Lifeboat and ABP’s pilot mooring. Adjacent to the historic quay, we constructed a new 60t pontoon secured to the listed walls using twin seven-tonne guide rails. Access is via a new set of steps, 13m high from the existing quay and stone steps. The project was extremely challenging due to its location and exposure to south-easterly waves and tidal range.
River Defence & Development Plateaux
Single-source development contractor
ANCHORWOOD BANK, BARNSTAPLE Lasting Properties Ltd The design and construct of 600m long extension to the River Taw defence wall, all works being subject to tidal conditions and strict environmental constraints. The infrastructure project included; land raise, public and private highway off the A3125, formation a Riverside walk / cycle way and service diversions and installation.
Flow management River Afon & Port Talbot Dock
Installation of cofferdam to work in a tidal river
RECONSTRUCTION OF GREEN PARK WEIR Associated British Ports Located on the River Afan the Weir acts to manage water levels in the Port Talbot Dock and water abstraction operations for Tata’s steelworks. Works included; new reinforced concrete structures, repair to existing stone culvert, culvert relining, new penstock and dock feeder channel, fiber concrete stilling basin and rock armour protection.
Established construction partner
Compliance with Marine Working Licence
LIFEBOAT STATION & SLIPWAY RNLI – PORTISHEAD New Lifeboat station comprising; concrete substructure, traditional masonry superstructure, mechanical and electrical installations. Formation of a precast concrete 66m slipway, installed between the high tidal ranges. Works also include the extension of an existing marine structure to provide a low-tide launch facility.
Framework Contract
Work 30ft below water-level
TAWE BARRAGE REPAIRS City & Council of Swansea The project is situated in the middle of Swansea Marina, alongside a swing bridge above the main lock.
Repair work to the barrage service tunnels include: concrete and joint repair, pavement set repair and work to large load test anchors. Approx 125-metres in length the tunnels are used to run power cables and services to local residents and businesses in the Maritime Quarter.
First new Bristol bridge for 50-years
Modern landmark
CASTLE BRIDGE Cubex Land Construction of a unique curved bridge, topped with timber decking, culptured cladding and feature lighting. The 91 metre S-shaped bridge across Bristol’s floating harbour, linking Castle Park and Hawkins Lane. The bridge’s piled foundations, concrete structure and 20-ton steel sections were all placed via ‘jack-up’ barges and floating pontoons. Castle Bridge is an integral part of the Finzels Reach development, linking the Floating Harbour to the City Centre.