New Build
First in the UK
Surf Bristol Ltd

Construction of a 200m inland Surf Lake using ground-breaking Wavegarden cove technology – the first of its kind in the UK. This exciting facility will generate up to 1,000 quality waves per hours, ranging from 50cm (1.7ft) to almost 2m (6.5ft) in height.

The new build also includes an education centre for schools and colleges, a café and bar, a surf shop. There’s also external works for landscaped gardens and car parks

Multi-stakeholder Traffic Management Plan

Effective Environmental & Ecological Protection Plans

£3.5m project part of a £27m development

AWG Property Services

Works included the provision of new foul and storm drains, road links, roundabouts, a balancing pond, installation of new road signs and road markings, and provision of a combined footway / cycle way around the business park.

As the result of a detailed land profile survey, all excavated material reused on site.

To minimise environmental risk, Japanese Knotweed was dealt with by engineering ground levels to form a disposal area lined with an impermeable barrier.